Breen Systems takes great pride in providing the best quality support and services
to its clients.
From a friendly "Hello" by our receptionist, to all the satisfied client
response letters hanging
in our lobby walls: Customer Satisfaction is priority number
Breen Systems Support & Services:
Technical Support
Software Support
Our Administration Department involves accounting and
telephone support operations and the marketing aspects of the company.
We are pleased to announce that Breen Systems now accepts Visa and
Mastercard.You can use your Visa or Mastercard for account balance payments,
maintenance contracts payments, or for payments on new orders. Please e-mail
us if this service can be of financial assistance to you.
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Technical Support
Our technical support team consists of trained and
certified hardware technicians
that go to great efforts to make sure your system is functioning properly. Breen
Systems has four fully stocked vans that allow our technical support team to assist
clients' emergency needs on-site in a timely manner. In addition to on-site support,
we have an extensive phone support system that enables technicians to respond
to client questions via telephone.
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Software Support
Breen Systems now supports over 300 hundred
clients in Vermont, New York
and over 30 other states including two Canadian Provinces.
Our software support team is divided into two sections: VTEAM and BTEAM
The VTEAM supports all software for which Breen Systems is a Value Added
Reseller or"VAR", hence VTEAM. The VTEAM is composed of a team manager
and a competent and experienced support staff. Together, they service all existing
clients via phone or on-site
The BTEAM supports all software that is developed in-House or by Breen, hence
BTEAM. This team is also composed of a team manager and support staff. They
too provide complete software support to all existing clients.
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Most of our clientele are in the Vermont and upstate New York
areas, excluding
StoneWorks clients who are located in numerous states around the United States
and two Canadian Provinces. Our differentiated sales staff is well equipped to
answer any questions you might have on a Breen Systems investment.
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We offer on-site, as well as classroom training at our office, for all Breen
clients.Classes are
taught by our support staff and clients are given Instruction
Manuals to use as future referencetools. For more specific information regarding
dates and times of classes, please take a look at our Training page.
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Contact Info
About Breen
Support & Services
What's New
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